Print showing instructions for how to handle Mogwai/Gremlins, from the movie Gremlins. I wanted to create the sort of badly translated instructions you might get if Gremlins were actually sold internationally as Sea Monkey style pets, i.e. you can get the gist of it from the images, but the text is maybe a little lacking… […]
Print of various superheroes rendered in glorious pixel-o-vision. It’s quite a challenge to keep all the characters from looking the same when you’re working with such a small area, but I think I did a good job of keeping the poses varied and expressive of their respective characters. If you can name all 70, then […]
Print based on abstract, rectangular versions of super-hero costumes. I enjoy taking recognisable designs and breaking them down into more basic geometric forms, as it isolates what makes them so appealing in the first place.
Diagrams for Twig World, a Glasgow-based company producing educational web content for students.
Logo designs for Mei Photography and Jo Foo Wildlife Photography, incorporating the client’s typical photographic subjects into the shape of a camera. The initial logo design for Mei Photography encompasses both Jo’s family & portrait and natural photography, while the second logo is specifically for her wildlife work. My initial designs tended towards a more […]
Entries from a supposed Encyclopedia, featuring an array of “enormitudinous” characters. These portraits are accompanied by frivolous biographies of my own design, which can be found at Persons of Enormitude.